As Southwest Airlines tries to return to normal, some flight cancellations persist. By aa Selasa, 12 Oktober 2021 Add Comment Edit By Niraj Chokshi from NYT Business Share this post Related PostsBeth Moore, a Prominent Evangelical, Splits With Southern BaptistsCongress Clears $1.9 Trillion Aid Bill, Sending It to Biden‘There’s No Town Left’: Fukushima’s Eerie LandscapesBiden Got the Vaccine Rollout Humming, With Trump’s HelpA G.O.P. senator tweets approvingly about part of the stimulus bill, without mentioning one detail: his ‘no’ vote.With House passage, Congress clears the nearly $1.9 trillion stimulus plan for President Biden’s signature.Under Fire Over Race, British Media Admit There Might be a ProblemMexico Set to Legalize Marijuana, Becoming World’s Largest Market
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